Source code for image

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 11 14:04:59 2019

@author: felix

[docs]def read_multiimg_PIL(tiffile): """ Use pillow library to read .tif/.TIF files. (single frame) Input: ------ tiffile: input .tif file to read, can be multipage .tif (string) frame: desired frarme number given as C-style 0-indexing (int) Output: ------- a numpy array that is either: (n_frames x n_rows x n_cols) for grayscale or (n_frames x n_rows x n_cols x 3) for RGB """ from PIL import Image import numpy as np import pylab as plt img = imgs = [] read = True frame = 0 while read: try: # select this as the image imgs.append(np.array(img)[None,:,:]) frame += 1 except EOFError: # Not enough frames in img break return np.concatenate(imgs, axis=0)
[docs]def locate_centriole_files(infolder, key='.tif', exclude=None): """ Locate the stack files of centriole images. Input: ------ infolder: top-level folder of where the .tifs can be found key: the extension of the file Output: ------- files: list of sorted filepaths. """ import os import numpy as np files = [] for root, dirs, files_ in os.walk(infolder): for f in files_: if key in f and '._' not in f: if exclude is not None: val = 0 for ex in exclude: val+=int(ex in root) if val == 0: path = os.path.join(root, f) files.append(path) else: path = os.path.join(root, f) files.append(path) files = np.sort(files) return files